• EFFICIENCY: 100% of the larvae, pupae and adults of Paysandisia archon and Rhynchophorus ferrugineus located inside the palm tree are eradicated.
• POWERFUL FUNGICIDE: prevents and treats palms pink rot (Gliocladium vermoesi)
• REMANENT: the tests carried out indicate a remanence level (up to 6 months for the tests carried out in France; shorter in heavy infested area)
• NON-TOXIC TO THE ENVIRONMENT: its viscous composition, linked to the fact that its mode of administration confines the product inside the stipe, makes that produced does not come into contact with the earth, air and water. The air can not be polluted because the product is not volatile and its application does not require spraying likely to propagate it in the air. Its consistency allows it to remain a long time inside the apical bud and the trunk (little or no runoff along the stipe and contact with the ground) thus limiting the impact on the fauna and flora peripheral, as well as the pollutions of the water and earth. The air can not be polluted because the product is not volatile and its application does not require spraying likely to propagate it in the air.
• NON-TOXIC FOR HUMAN: each product in Palmrea X1 has marketing authorization for use related to human consumption. All active components, used in the composition of our final product, are natural and biological. The person in charge of the treatment and the people around him are therefore protected from any risk of toxicity during the handling and application of the product. All components of this treatment have, in the proportions used, no risk of toxicity to humans.
• NON-TOXIC FOR PALM TREES: all the tests carried out on several hundred palms showed that sick palms recovered quickly after treatment
• DOES NOT KILL THE BEES: not systemic, it is not carried by the sap and is not found in the flowers
• DOES NOT PASS INTO THE FRUITS: unlike chemical treatments, no trace of the product is found in the fruits. The production is not interrupted by the treatment and the product can be used as a preventive measure
• HALAL: the formulation of Palmrea X1 makes it a Halal product
• APPLICATION INDEPENDENT TO WEATHER CONDITIONS: treatments can be done even before rains and even by day of strong winds
• RAPIDITY OF ACTION: with a compliant application, the results are fast. On clean and visible apical bud some larvae may come out after 15 minutes. In less than 2 weeks all parasites of the palm trees are dead.
• SIMPLICITY: does not require any special training or to call on specialized companies. Applications are within everyone's reach. The product has no toxicity to humans. The only instruction is to wear glasses during treatment to avoid any contact of the product with the eyes
• VERY EASY TO APPLY: ready-to-use product. Can be implemented in the apical bud using its single bottle and inside the trunk by using a garden spray with injection pipes.
• INDUSTRIAL TREATMENTS: speed of application in palm groves using motor pumps specially designed to apply the product up to more than 20 meters high in less than 5 minutes per palm tree
• PREVENTIVE & CURATIVE*: because of its harmlessness to the plant and its fruits and its persistence PALMREA X1 can be applied on both clean and infested palm trees
• MARKETING AUTHORISATIONS: each of the products in Palmrea X1 has been granted marketing authorization for applications in humans
• CONFORMS ZERO PHYTO: due to the safety of the products used in the composition of Palmrea X1
• NO DIRECT COMPETITORS: to date, no comparable products exist on the market. Chemicals in addition to their low remanence are extremely dangerous for the environment. They do not make it possible to treat the pink rot resulting from the decomposition of the larvae and their excrement.
The term curative: is used here to describe the treatment of a palm tree already infested, in particular by Paysandisia archon or Rhynchophorus ferrugineus. This is for example the case when said palm tree contains eggs, larvae, and / or chrysalis parasites. This is also the case when the parasite is in the adult stage, for example when it is preparing to lay eggs on the leaves of the palm tree or when it leaves the cocoon before escaping from the palm tree.
Said curative treatment can be implemented regardless of the stage of development of the insect (egg, larva, chrysalis, adult).
The term preventive: is used here to designate the treatment of a palm tree not yet infested by a parasitic insect of the palm such as P. archon or R. ferrugineus. It also refers to the treatment of a palm tree that has already been infested at least once but no longer contains eggs, larvae, pupae or adults of the parasitic insect.